How To Play A Position: (9) Striker

Who you are:
You are the fearless one. You can play against 4 defenders at once. You can play with your back to the goal. You can turn and score at any time. You are the one who probes for gaps. You make the play most likely to score. You shoot. You make the other team mark you all the time.
Where You Play:
You play in the middle part of the field. You usually play in front of the center midfielder (8) all the way to the goal. You play inside the wingers (7 and 11).
Striker playing area
On Defense:
If the ball is near you, you press. If someone else is pressing, you find a player in the middle of the field and mark her. You make sure that if your team gets the ball, you can get up the field to your position while providing support for who has the ball.
On Offense:
If you have the ball, you move up the field until you can't any more or you've taken a shot. If you see you won't be able to move forward, you pass, then move even more. You look for gaps between the defenders you can move through, but don't go offsides! You get up the field first. If they don't mark you, go all the way to the build-out line, or even further if the defenders or the ball is in front of you.
You shoot. You move so that you can shoot. You pass when you can't shoot. You make them mark you and you pull them out of position. Your friends are the wingers (7 and 11) and center midfielder (8).